Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Updates up to date

I've been lazy lately.

I post these stupid BHM stuff but other than that, I don't keep up with regular posts.

Oh well.

A few things.

I Woke Up in Pittsburgh is on a small hiatus. Sam got stabbed and he's in the hospital.

The reason why he is stabbed is coming.

When I started the blog I just wrote it. And that's how I've treated it. Just a daily couple hundreds of words spur of the minute style. Well, I haven't been paying attention and a lot of stuff is flowing.

So while Sam is recuperating, I'm writing in advance. Trying to get a straight line through the plot.

I spend my days on the internet with a lot of webcomics. I'm completely transfixed on the artform, mainly because it is so completely alien to my awareness.

Here's a couple of the best I've found:

1. PVP Daily, or near daily, comic strip about a fictional gaming magazine. Been going strong for over ten years and still brings the funny.

2. Goblins Beautifully drawn fantasy based on D&D rules.

3. The Abominable Charles Christopher Fun randomness that is complete art.

The artist responsible for Abominable was commissioned by an indie band, Ragni, to make a short graphic novel for one of their albums.

I rarely use the word Stunning but that's the only way to describe it.

The North Sea Epoch by Karl Kersch

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